Turle are a typical first course of the so called “Cucina Bianca” literally White Cuisine. It is the traditional cuisine of the villages that rise on Monte Saccarello, in the Ligurian Maritime Alps close to the France border. This culinary tradition was born among the small mountain communities dedicated to sheep farming that inhabited the top of the mountain during the periods of transhumance of the flocks.

The name (attributed to this gastronomic tradition only in the 60s) derives from the fact that, due to necessity and seasonality, the foods that characterize it have all a very light color: garlic, leeks, onions, cabbage, turnips and potatoes, beans and then chickens and eggs and, of course, flour, milk and dairy products.
The only color note are herbs, aromatic and / or spontaneous, which never fail in the Cucina Bianca.

Turle are a very easy dish to prepare, a stuffed pasta you can engage with for your first time. It’s a forgiving recipe and the possibilities to fail are very few. The filling is simple, based on potatoes, cheese, parmesan and mint.
The cheese traditionally used is Toma. Toma is a famous kind of Italian cheese mainly produced in the regions of the Northern of Italy. Literally it mean “cheese made by the farmer himself” . It is a soft or semi-hard cheese, matured for a couple of months .

The “half moon” shape a child’s play! Making them is a relaxing activity as you will focus all your attention in the task of sealing properly the filling without making a mess!
Btw, the filling leftovers (if you succeed in not devouring them raw) are perfect for delicious fried or baked potato croquettes.
Enjoy and don’t forget to share your comments, impressions and results!
With love.

For the fresh pasta
- 300 g 00 flour
- 1 egg
- 100 ml water
For the stuffing
- 450 g potatoes
- 200 g of Toma cheese
- 2 yolks
- 3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
- 4-5 fresh mint leaves
For the dressing
- 50 g of butter
- grated Parmesan cheese to taste
- 4-5 fresh mint leaves
- pepper to taste
For the stuffing
- Wash the potatoes and boil them in an abundant boiling water. Drain, peel and mash with the potato masher.
- When they are still hot, add the toma cut into small pieces, the Parmesan, 2 yolks and 4-5 finely chopped mint leaves. Season with salt and pepper and let cool.
For the fresh pasta
- Place the flour on a work table and create a fountain in the center. Break the egg inside and pour the water. Start working the liquids with a fork adding the flour little by little, making it fall from the outer edges. When all the flour has been mixed and the pasta starts to stick together, work it with your hands for 5-10 minutes until a smooth dough is obtained.
- Put the pasta under a cup and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
For making the dumplings and serve them
- Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it is about 2 millimeters thick (the other half leave it covered because it is not dry).
- With a 8 cm diameter pasta bowl or with a glass cut the discs in the pastry and in the center of each disc place a nut of filling. Fold the pasta in half and seal the edges with your fingers. With the tips of a fork further seal the edges creating a decorative motif. Arrange the circles spaced apart on a well-floured surface so that they do not stick. Repeat the operation with the remaining pasta.
- Bring a big pan of salted water to boil and cook your turle for about 8 minutes.
- Meanwhile in a shallow pan put the butter and let it melt, add the chopped mint and let it flavor. Drain the turle with a skimmer and lay them in the pan with the butter, mix very gently and add the Parmesan cheese. Before serving, sprinkle with some more Parmesan cheese, some pepper and decorate with few fresh mint leaves.

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